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Resource library

As a customer, getting started with Uber Eats is easy. You can find support materials, including guides, educational resources and more, in one place.

Tools you can use to succeed with Uber Eats

Manage orders, deliveries, menus and more from our tablet-based app.

Monitor shop performance, respond to customer feedback, edit your menu and access marketing tools that can boost your sales.

Get insights for growing your business

Go beyond the basics with in-depth insights and actionable tips to grow and market your business.

Guides and resources

Find out how you can open your tablet, how to connect the printer to the tablet, and resolve any technical issues.

Find out more about Uber Eats Orders, how to accept orders, edit the preparation time, solve order issues, and handing over orders.

Find out more about Uber Eats Manager, how to edit personal and shop details, see and reply to customer feedback, download reports and analyse your shop's performance.

Find out more about what are the main components of the menu set-up and how to edit them.

Follow these tips to create and maintain consistent, high-quality photos to feature on your Uber Eats menu.

Find out more about the benefits of using our marketing tools, such as setting up ads, offers and building connections with customers.

Find out about error adjustments, eligible refund types, visibility over adjustments and how to dispute errors.

Here you will find easy-to-use, customisable assets to market your delivery and pick-up business.

Get an overview of your earnings, switch pay frequency, ensure compliance and download invoices for tax purposes.

Find out more about how to use your own delivery staff with the Uber Eats platform.

Find out the main tips to protect your shop and find the contact point.

Integrate your existing POS system to manage shops, menus and orders on Uber Eats.

View the mandatory documentation for Uber Eats partners to being working with us.

Merchants Blog

Gain access to valuable resources to effectively manage your store.

Uber Eats merchant support

We’re here to help. Get answers to your Uber Eats merchant support questions by visiting the Merchants & Restaurants Help Centre or by contacting our Customer Support teams across the globe.

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