Reply to customers in real time with review responses
Stay in touch with your biggest fans. Our communication tools let you connect and engage directly with your customers, so you have more control over their service experience.
Already a merchant? Try out review responses.
Respond directly to your business’s reviews
Let your customers know you hear them. Say thanks for a positive review or send offers from your desktop or mobile device to entice repeat business.
Responding to reviews is simple
Шаг 1. Войдите в аккаунт
You’ll be notified by email when you receive a review. Just click on Reply now to respond or View more to see the full list.
Step 2: Choose the review
The most recent reviews are listed first. Select a review to respond to, and click on the Reply button to get started.
Step 3: Respond directly
Add your response as well as any offer code, and your customer will be notified by email of your reply.
Контент на этом сайте может быть переведен как человеком, так и машинным переводом в зависимости от настроек вашего устройства. Компания Uber не гарантирует, что перевод будет абсолютно точным и безошибочным.