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Troubleshooting and integrating new stores

Procedures to follow for integrating additional stores, and raising support requests.

Before you continue

If your integration is handled by a third party provider, please make sure to submit your request through them first. If you're running into an issue with your integration, they might be able to troubleshoot or identify the problem for a quicker fix.

If your request is regarding a new store or an issue not related to the integration, please contact

Common store integration issues

Below is a list of common issues related to store integration and how to solve them.

  • Restaurant partners have a standard threshold* set to two unfulfilled orders before auto-pausing (special configurations may apply*). Unaccepted orders come from when your POS denies an order and the order is not then manually accepted via the Order Manager, or when we didn’t receive any action from your POS (no endpoint calls) so an order gets automatically marked as unaccepted after 11.5 minutes. Another use case of when a store pauses, is when having 2 Courier Cancellations At Restaurant, as this would mean the courier arrived at the restaurant but the order wasn’t there, after two orders experience this issue consecutively, the auto-pause is triggered.

    You may notice your store is paused after experiencing an unusual amount of time not receiving orders retrieving the store's status with the Get Store Status endpoint or by checking it manually by opening the Uber Eats Order Manager. See below for information on how you can solve this.

    • Set Store Status Endpoint - Store Status Endpoint sets the online or paused status of a restaurant. You can set your restaurant back to online through this endpoint when it is automatically paused. Learn more here.

    • Uber Eats Order Manager/Tablet - Log in to the Uber Eats Order Manager and manually unpausing it.

    • Restaurant Support - For live support with active orders such as: issues with an order, adjusting delivery address or general incident reporting you can use the telephone number, which is available 24h.

    Phone Number: 8000440217

    For issues not related to a live order, please use our WhatApp support. Some examples are: solving issues with your account, finalized orders review, updating menu, general inquiries about the app and order management. This channel is available from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm

  • First, make sure you identify the source of the outage:

    • Proprietary infra/store-level issues, such as store connectivity
    • Tech Level/Server Issues (Aggregator/Integrators if applicable)

    Once your issue has been identified, please let us know as soon as possible through the form by selecting the Outage category, mentioning all the impacted Store UUIDs.

    If your integrator or you need assistance from our Support team for running tests or general questions they may add their request on the Additional Info Field.

    Lastly, once your issue is resolved, refer to the ‘My store is paused’ FAQ above and follow the process to resume your stores' orderability. Let us know once the issue is resolved with as much details as you can provide.

  • Uber last extended its infrastructure and public IP addresses on Mar 31, 2023. If your webhook is not receiving the order events, we invite you to make sure that your application allowlist​ is configured with the updated Uber IP addresses.

    If you have any questions please contact our Global Tech Support team to request the latest IP allowlist, by selecting the category “API/How do I..?” in our support form.

  • Help us ensure optimal performance by following the best practices for endpoint usage. An excessive number of requests may hit the rate limit, challenging your operational capabilities.

    If you have any questions regarding endpoint rate limits, please contact our Global Tech Support team through the form.

Uber Tech Support form

If you’ve already reviewed the common issues and how to solve them, raised your request through your integrator and still need our help, you can reach us through our Uber Tech Support Form.

Filling out the form

See below for details on the integration information requested in this form.

Integration Name

This refers to the Application name on the developer dashboard. If you work with an integrator, they should have their profile application name.

Client ID

Also known as the application ID, is the unique identifier for your application.


You should be selecting Uber Eats which refers to our Marketplace front in the App. Once selected, move forward to the category selection, where according to your issue, you will most likely need the following information, so be sure to have it before continuing the process of submitting a request:

  • Store UUID (found in your Uber Eats Manager Store URL)
  • Client ID and Integration Name
  • Order IDs impacted (if applicable)
  • Date and Time of when the issue first started
  • Number of Stores Impacted (this will help our team define a priority)
  • Endpoints involved (if applicable)
  • Any additional info or details to help us understand the issue better

If you’re a merchant and you are missing any of this information you may find it in your Uber Eats Manager, or with your integration provider if applicable.

Selecting the appropriate form category


  • Order webhooks not being received
  • Receiving Multiple Webhooks for same order
  • Orders are being denied
  • API/Payload - General Q’s (selecting endpoint)
  • Specific error types (4xx, 5xx)
  • Other


  • Store onboarding/offboarding → integrating new locations
  • Store paused
  • Store has incorrect configuration
  • API/Payload - General Q’s, How do I..?
  • Specific error types (4xx)
  • Other


  • Menu hours are displayed incorrectly
  • Receiving an error on menu upload
  • Item suspension/unsuspension not reflected
  • Images not showing in UI
  • API/Payload - General Q’s, How do I..?
  • Specific error types (4xx)
  • Other

Integration Config

  • API/Payload - General Q’s, How do I..?
  • Specific error types (4xx)
  • Other


  • API/Payload - General Q’s, How do I..?
  • Specific error types (4xx)
  • Other

Test Stores & Production Validation

  • Production validation
  • Set up test stores
  • Add scopes to test application
  • Other


  • Active Partner outage
  • Active Uber outage
  • Subscribe to UberEats status page

Feature Request

A feature request is a request for Uber to develop functionality that may not currently exist. When submitting a feature request, please include examples, use cases of the challenges you are currently facing and details of your proposed solution.

Support overview response times

Please refer to the priority levels below, impact criteria, and associated communication timeliness.

Support overview response times


Resolution times

Initial acknowledgment

Communication frequency

Criteria, examples





Orderability impact to 50+ stores, API outage





Orderability impact to 10+ stores, store pauses





Orderability impact to <10 stores, menu issues, staging & configuration requests





General questions on integration

Select your preferred language

EnglishEspañol (Internacional)