ASDA:借助 Uber Eats 优食,让购买生鲜杂货更方便
April 12, 2023 | United Kingdom
五十多年来,ASDA 在 英国建立了良好的声誉,成为满足各种顾客需求的最实惠和最方便的购物选择之一。从早期开始,ASDA 就率先推出了倍受欢迎的举措,把顾客利益放在首位。他们是英国首批向消费者提供减价商品的企业之一,也是首批在超市中不仅出售食品,同时还出售顾客日常需要的服装和家居用品的企业。
长久以来,ASDA 一直将消费者的需求和偏好放在首位,现在他们自然也将这一价值观带入在线订购和派送的时代。公司提供包括当日送达在内的派送服务已经有很多年了。在疫情迫使零售商大规模采用派送服务模式之前,他们已经抢先一步跟上了这一趋势。他们不满足于足够好,在过去的两年里,他们一直在努力提高派送服务的速度和便利性。在该战略中,与 Uber Eats 优食的合作起到了关键作用。
ASDA offers delivery from Uber Eats in over 400 stores. In the couple of years since they’ve started working with Uber Eats, they’ve expanded the catalog of items they offer by a magnitude of ten. And they’ve seen a 50% increase in order size for online orders. According to ASDA, nearly 27 million people live within a 1.8 mile radius of an ASDA store.
ASDA 的核心原 则
公司始终将以具有竞争力的价格为顾客提供所需商品作为首要目标。英国最近的生活成本上涨只会使这一原则更加重要。为了帮助顾客度过通货膨胀加剧的时期,ASDA 新推出了 ‘Just Essentials’ 平价系列商品,确保顾客在所有实体店和在线商店都能购买到最经济划算的自有品牌产品。
ASDA 的战略原则是打造良好的顾客体验,这是赢得忠实顾客的最佳方式。 但除了保证让顾客以经济实惠的价格轻松获取所需商品之外,他们还提供奖励计划,以提高顾客的忠诚度。他们了解到许多顾客的财务处境艰难,因此推出了用现金(而不是积分)奖励忠实顾客的计划。这是一种实实在在地回报顾客支持的方式。
ASDA 致力于让更多人能够便捷地购买生鲜杂货。为了帮助较为忙碌以及家中没有汽车的群体获得必需的生鲜杂货(以及其他商品),他们推出了两项主要举措。一是在人口密集的城区开设更多的小型便利店。二是拓展派送服务。
在这一点上,他们与 Uber Eats 优食的合作关系发挥了作用。
Any company that cares about meeting (and exceeding) customer expectations has to closely follow any changing trends in what customers want. And of course, there were big changes in consumers’ needs and preferences in 2020.
“When the pandemic hit, it was all about speed, convenience, and online shopping. Our online business doubled within a few months.”
Ross Pellatt, Senior Manager, Last Mile Execution at ASDA
Luckily, ASDA had already been offering delivery for years, including same-day delivery. That put them in a strong position to not only provide the delivery service customers needed, but to step up their delivery offerings to provide even more convenient options. By working with Uber Eats, they were able to start offering quick commerce—meaning that instead of all same-day orders going out several hours after they’re placed, they could get orders to their destination in under an hour.
Now customers can choose from an array of different delivery options that include:
- Same-day delivery where orders that come in during the morning will be delivered afternoon or early evening of that same day
- Express delivery that can take anywhere from one to four hours and is handled by ASDA internally
- Quick commerce orders delivered by Uber Eats that take under an hour, usually 30 to 40 minutes.
These options all contribute to ASDA’s commitment to convenience. But the retailer has found there are also contexts where delivery helps with the affordability principle as well. Many of ASDA’s customers don’t own cars, so getting groceries can involve dealing with the costs of a bus or a taxi. For these consumers, the financial cost of getting fast delivery from ASDA often comes out to less than having to get to the store themselves—and that’s before factoring in time and energy costs.
Uber Eats 优食帮助 ASDA 完成来自以下两种主要渠道的派送订单:
借助 Uber Direct,ASDA 可以通过其网站提供快速派送和当日派送服务。顾客选择其中一项服务时,ASDA 通常会通过优步司机来完成订单。从顾客的角度来说,他们的订购体验仅与 ASDA 有关,这意味着零售商对这些订单的顾客体验负责。
Uber Eats 优食平台
已经在使用 Uber Eats 优食应用并希望获得快速派送服务的顾客可以在 Uber Eats 优食平台上找到 ASDA。在这里,他们可以获得快速购物体验。顾客通过优步应用下单,通常会在 30-40 分钟内收到 ASDA 的商品。对于ASDA 来说,Uber Eats 优食平台还可以帮助他们吸引在应用中开始搜索的新顾客,从而扩大他们的整体销售额和顾客群。
“现在,我们有 400 多家商店可以提供 Uber Eats 优食服务,因此我们能够为巨大数量的顾客提供这种便利的服务体验。”
Amy Mount, ASDA Quick Commerce Manager
Uber Marketplace + Direct:两全其美
借助 Uber Eats 优食平台和 Uber Direct,ASDA 可以将商品送上门,最大限度地为顾客提供便利。经常使用 Uber Eats 优食应用的顾客可以使用他们喜爱的应用,从值得信赖的零售商处购买生鲜杂货。熟悉 ASDA 品牌的顾客则可以在公司网站上选购并下单,同时享受 Uber Eats 优食提供的快速派送服务。