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Our commitments to Black-owned businesses

Uber 致力成為一家反種族歧視的企業。我們已推出一系列措施,以實踐目前為止作出的承諾,包括根除平台上的歧視與推動社群平權。這些承諾位於 Uber 首要任務中的核心地位,而我們也將持續推動相關領域的發展和進步。為履行承諾,我們已投入 1 千萬美元,專用於支持世界各地由黑人經營的企業。

Uber Eats 合作夥伴

Since 2020, Uber has partnered with EatOkra in the US to support Black-owned restaurants and further enhance their experience on the Uber Eats and EatOkra platforms. We worked together on pop-ups in Harlem, NY, and Washington, DC. And in 2023, we’re expanding our partnership to include EatOkra’s Restaurant Accelerator and Dine Diaspora’s Black Women in Food Initiative.

EatOkra 協助人們發掘黑人經營的商家

EatOkra 是讓顧客發掘全國由黑人經營的商家、餐車和餐飲服務業者的首選 App,結合了美食、文化和社群。

EatOkra 彙集了 1 萬 5 千多家黑人經營的餐飲企業,並擁有超過 50 萬名使用者,旨在協助美食愛好者發掘和參與黑人經營的商家和美食活動,同時拓展黑人社群用餐及餐飲服務的體驗。商家可以在這裡註冊加入 EatOkra。


Uber Eats partnered in 2021 with world-renowned chef Marcus Samuelsson to create an original web series based on his book The Rise, which celebrates Black cuisine and Black chefs around the US. In addition, Uber Eats donated $500,000 to Samuelsson’s Black Businesses Matter Matching Fund to support local Black-owned businesses.

2021 年,Uber Eats 與 Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) 向受到新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 影響的美國小型企業提供 450 萬美元的資金補助。在這些獲得資助的企業中,有 88% 的補助流向有色人種的企業。

2021 年,Uber Eats 和 Enterprise Nation 與 Be Inclusive Hospitality 攜手合作,在英國共同推出了黑人企業基金 (Black Business Fund)。該計畫為 10 名深受疫情影響的黑人餐飲業者提供了所需資金、教育資源和營運指導。每個由黑人經營的小型企業都獲得 5 千英鎊的補助,為他們在營運上提供了莫大幫助。

2022 年,Uber 和 Uber Eats 贊助了布魯克林哈林區休士頓土爾沙的六月節慶祝活動。內容包括當地音樂藝術家的表演、在地攤商美食,以及社區合作夥伴的展覽。

2023 年與未來展望

We plan on continuing our support of Black-owned businesses in the following ways:

  • Expand partnerships with EatOkra to launch EatOkra’s Restaurant Accelerator and with Dine Diaspora’s Black Women in Food Initiative to continue supporting Black businesses in the food industry.

  • Partner with Operation HOPE in its 1MBB program to support one million Black businesses by 2030.

  • Collaborate with LISC to establish the Black Restaurant Fund to support Black businesses’ access to capital to pursue growth and expansion opportunities. This fund builds on our recent Grants for Growth program with LISC, which prioritized entrepreneurs of color. Learn more

  • Grow support for Black-owned restaurants in the UK with a new £250,000 fund. Twenty-five restaurants from across the UK will each receive £10,000 grants, a free Enterprise Nation membership to access support for their business, a free Be Inclusive Hospitality membership to join a fast-growing professional network for people of color in the hospitality sector, and access to e-learning courses covering important topics like making sales, accessing finance, creating a brand, and motivating a team.
