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Safety is always our priority

Given the concern about coronavirus (COVID-19), we're working closely with numerous public health authorities worldwide to help provide guidance on safety. We have prepared the below recommendations to help guide you through safe practices for your establishment.

Keep your staff healthy

To minimize risk of spreading and catching the virus, we recommend not only briefing your staff on the practices reinforced by health organizations, but also placing health and safety instructions all over your establishment to serve as a reminder. You can find restaurant signage created by Uber Eats, including health and safety tips, available to download in pdf format below.

You are of course free to create your own signage, which could include reminders to:

  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, for at least 20 seconds;
  • Use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available;
  • Cover your mouth or nose with a tissue (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze;
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

If any staff members report a mild illness, respiratory symptoms, or have a fever (38 C or above), they should be encouraged to stay home. Restaurants are advised to contact their local public health authority in the event of any suspected coronavirus cases amongst their staff.

Please visit your local health organization website for additional information.

Follow safety procedures during food preparation

Based on guidance from public health authorities around the world, we advise Uber Eats restaurant partners to follow best practices on food safety and packaging. This includes ensuring regular and thorough sanitisation of high-touch surfaces (doorknobs, handles, faucets, sinks), food handling and food preparation environments, as well as frequent hand washing. Additionally, please continually check with your local public health department as they may have updated guidance about cleaning and sanitising.

Follow practices for food packaging

We advise you to ensure all food is properly sealed in tamper-evident packaging. This can mean using stickers or staples to seal bags, or even double bags (seal food order inside one bag and repeat process sealing additional bag) for an extra layer of protection against contamination during delivery handoff.

We recommend following these practices even if your usual delivery packaging already has closures (lids, caps, covers, etc.). In the case of a pizza carton, for example, you may add additional stickers to seal the box from the outside, or even consider an additional layer of wrapping around the entire carton. For drinks, utensils, napkins, condiments, please ensure these items are packed and sealed alongside the food. All these simple practices can help prevent contamination during delivery.

Keep food safe in transport if you are using your own delivery staff

We encourage restaurant partners using their own delivery staff to advise staff members to regularly disinfect their equipment in order to curb the spread of COVID-19. It is highly recommended that you encourage your delivery staff to clean and disinfect their vehicle and insulated bag before going out for delivery, paying special attention to high-touch surfaces and surfaces that may frequently come into contact with food packaging.

Minimize exposure during delivery pick-up

It is highly recommended that restaurants offering delivery or pickup designate a waiting area for delivery people and customers that is separate from food preparation areas, and where delivery people and customers can engage in effective social distancing.

For restaurants only offering delivery and takeaway orders, we recommend setting up your pick-up area close to the entrance door. You can place spare tables just inside - or even better, just outside - the entrance door, creating both a barrier and a temporary counter for delivery people and customers to quickly pick up orders without entering the restaurant. If that is not an option for you, then we suggest setting up a delivery counter inside the restaurant as far away as possible from the food preparation area.

To help protect and inform delivery people and customers, you can place written instructions by the counter about maintaining a safe distance from one another. You can download our "Maintain physical distance" signage in pdf format to print and place it in your restaurant in the link below. We also recommend demarcating a queue on the floor either inside or outside of your store to demonstrate social distancing guidelines. For that, you can use any type of adhesive tape or stickers, and place each queue position 2 metres or 6 feet apart, or as advised by your local health authority.

Sanitizing hands during handoff

We recommend setting up a hand sanitising station at the pick-up counter so staff (and delivery people) can sanitise their hands when handing off food packages. Place hand sanitiser on the counter and instruct staff to use it after each handoff to prevent contamination. To use, they should cover the whole surface of their hands and rub them together as if using soap and water until they are dry.

If you do not have hand sanitisers due to product shortages, you can find instructions from the World Health Organization here on how to produce hygienic handrub. Your local health authorities may be able to provide similar instructions.

When possible we also recommend making this sanitizing solution available for delivery people at your delivery counter. That way, you can help protect delivery people and mitigate contamination throughout the delivery journey.

Adding receipts to label your orders

Label each order with the printed receipt so it’s easier for delivery people to identify each order without directly handling the bag(s). Another option is to clearly mark the order number with a pen on the outside of the food package. If a single order consists of multiple bags, make sure each bag has the order number visibly displayed, and number the bags (e.g., 1/3, 2/3, etc.).

Changing Delivery Person Pickup Instructions to Facilitate Social Distancing

You can change the delivery pickup instructions directly via Restaurant Dashboard in your tablet:

Click on Menu > Settings > Business information > and update the ‘Pickup Instructions’ text. For example, you may want to change the text to instruct delivery people to wait on the demarcated queue positions outside the store until their order number is called.

Be aware of “leave at door” delivery methods

Uber Eats users are encouraged to take advantage of contactless delivery options, minimising contact between customers and delivery people, in support of social distancing guidelines. Delivery people using Uber Eats will receive explicit directions from their customers on how to deliver orders to designated safe spaces (the customer’s doorstep, for example). In certain markets, in accordance with official guidance, contactless delivery is the only available option for Uber Eats users.

If you are using your own delivery staff, please be aware that customers have the ability to communicate this information in our app, so please look carefully at orders and POS tickets for special instructions and share with your delivery staff. When in doubt, delivery staff should contact their customers for explicit directions to avoid unnecessary contact.

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